2019 AdChoices Compliance Report

Today, Ad Standards released the AdChoices Accountability Program: 2019 Compliance Report.

Through Ad Standards’ independent lens, the annual compliance report highlights how companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC)’s self-regulatory program for online interest-based advertising have implemented and adhered to the program’s Principles throughout 2019.

In this fifth report, Ad Standards highlights their change in monitoring procedures, which resulted in a report that covers only a portion of the year, yet it still confirms that participant dedication to the AdChoices self-regulatory program is reliably high year-over-year. When comparing participating companies to those not engaged in the self-regulatory program, Ad Standards’ analysis found that DAAC participants consistently provide enhanced notices and opt-out mechanisms far more often than non-participants.

The complaint mechanism the program offers is an indicator that the program has become a resource for consumers to ask questions and get assistance with regards to ad targeting. Of the 389 complaints received, only 26 were determined to raise potential IBA concerns. Many of the concerns were around opt-out issues with the tools, and 2 were of sensitive data categories which were thoroughly investigated and resolved.

Ron Lund, Chair of the DAAC, states “With Ad Standards’ decades of expertise in the area of self-regulation, their oversight of our AdChoices program elevates its standing and validity in the marketplace. These annual reports demonstrate conclusively that self-regulation in the area of online advertising works.”

“Ad Standards’ annual report provides us with valuable insight into areas of success and improvement for the AdChoices program and the participants that adhere to it,” said Julie Ford, Executive Director of the DAAC. “It is evident in the sensitive data categories highlighted in the report that participants are listening to Ad Standards’ advice and acting on it. It is also encouraging to see continued compliance overall, and the fact that once again, it is shown by independent reporting that AdChoices program participants do more to facilitate user preferences for ad targeting than non-participants.”

Page 10 of the report highlights best practices for current program participants to consider:

  • Use layered notices and easy-to-understand language. When using a service provider for notices, customize that experience so that it’s clear and simple to use.

  • Working with a new advertising partner? First Parties should make sure all new parties are listed for opt-out, and to check their lists frequently.

  • Assign a lead at the organization to handle AdChoices compliance matters. Committees consisting of representatives from various departments of an organization are recommended for larger enterprises.

  • Self-regulation means that participants must take the lead with regards to their responsibilities. Participants should ensure that the information they provide to Ad Standards is comprehensive and accurate.

  • Take time to review the Principles and guidance documents to better understand the obligations, and contact Ad Standards at any time to discuss potential changes to their websites or mobile apps which may affect their compliance with AdChoices.

The DAAC is committed to ensuring the self-regulatory program remains a solid solution for consumers to directly contact the online ad industry about their questions or concerns with regards to targeted advertising.